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CRAY XE6 Hardware and Architecture
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Hardware of Installation step 1
- 3552 compute nodes / 113.664 cores
- dual socket G34
- 2x AMD Opteron(tm) 6200 Series Processor (Interlagos) with 16 Cores @ 2.3 GHz
- 32MB L2+L3 Cache, 16MB L3 Cache
- HyperTransport HT3, 6.4GT/s=102.4 GB/s
- per socket ~150 GFLOP/s
- 32GB memory and 64GB memory nodes
- dual socket G34
- 96 service nodes (Network nodes, mom nodes, router nodes, DVS nodes, boot, database, syslog)
- High Speed Network CRAY Gemini
- Parallel Filesystem
- Lustre
- capacity 2.7 PB
- IO bandwith ~150GB/s
- infrastructure servers
- Users HOME filesystem ~60TB (BLUEARC mercury 55)
- special user nodes:
- external login servers
- pre-post processing nodes
- remote visualization nodes
- System Management Workstation (SMW)
- system administrator's console for managing a Cray system like monitoring, installing/upgrading software, controls the hardware, starting and stopping the XE6 system.
- service nodes are classified in:
- login nodes for users to access the system
- boot nodes which provides the OS for all other nodes, licenses,...
- network nodes which provides e.g. external network connections for the compute nodes
- Cray Data Virtualization Service (DVS): is an I/O forwarding service that can parallelize the I/O transactions of an underlying POSIX-compliant file system.
- sdb node for services like ALPS, torque, moab, cray management services,...
- I/O nodes for e.g. lustre
- MOM (torque) nodes for placing user jobs of the batch system in to execution
- compute nodes and pre-post processing nodes
- are only available for user using the batch system and the Application Level Placement Scheduler (ALPS), see running applications.
Conceptual Architecture
AMD Opteron 6200 Series Processor (Interlagos)
AMD Turbo Core technology
Software Features
- Cray Linux Environment (CLE) 4.? operating system
- Operating System is based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11
- Cray Gemini interconnection network
- Cluster Compatibility Mode (CCM) functionality enables cluster-based independent software vendor (ISV) applications to run without modification on Cray systems.
- Batch System: torque, moab
- many development tools available:
- Compiler: Cray, PGI, GNU,
- Debugging: DDT, ATP,...
- Performance Analysis: CrayPat, Cray Apprentice, PAPI
- Libraries: BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, PETSc, MPT,....