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The NEC Cluster is part of a heterogenious computing platform.
Some of the compute nodes and network infrastructure of vulcan has been replaced by up to date hardware.
node_type | historical node number | current node number |
aurora | 8 | 8 |
clx-21 | 8 | 8 |
clx-25 | 96 | 96 |
clx-ai | 4 | 0 |
hsw128gb20c | 84 | 0 |
hsw128gb24c | 152 | 0 |
hsw256gb20c | 4 | 0 |
hsw256gb24c | 16 | 0 |
k20xm | 3 | 0 |
p100 | 3 | 3 |
skl | 68 | 72 |
smp | 2 | 1 |
visamd | 6 | 6 |
visnv | 2 | 2 |
visp100 | 10 | 0 |
rome256gb32c | 3 | 3 (1)(2) |
rome512gb96c-ai | 10 | 10 (1)(3) |
genoa | 0 | 60 (4)(5) |
genoa-a30 | 0 | 24 (4)(6) |
genoa-smp | 0 | 2 (4)(7) |
(1) academic usage only
(2) 2x AMD Epic 7302 Rome, 3.0GHz base, 32 cores total, 256GB DDR4, 3.5TB NVMe
(3) 2x AMD Epyc 7642 Rome, 2.3GHz base, 96 cores total, 512GB DDR4, 1.8TB NVMe, 8x AMD Instinct Mi50 with 32GB
(4) new nodes, node_type not yet fixed
(5) 2x AMD Epyc 9334 Genoa, 2.7GHz base, 64 cores total, 768GB DDR5
(6) 2x AMD Epyc 9124 Genoa, 3.0GHz base, 32 cores total, 768GB DDR5, 3.8TB NVMe, 1x Nvidia A30 with 24GB HBM2e
(7) 2x AMD Epyc 9334 Genoa, 2.7GHz base, 64 cores total, 3072GB DDR5
Cluster Documentation
Programming / Utilities