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CRAY XT5m Software Environment

From HLRS Platforms
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Job Submission

The frontend/login server hwwxt5.hww.de may be used to prepare the jobs. The jobs will be executed at the compute nodes. You have to submit the jobs to the batch system which is provided by Torque and Moab.

Environment Settings

In order to use some software features like special CRAY MPI versions, or CRAY Compilers, you have to perform some environmental settings. To modify the default HWW environmental settings on login, you can create a file $HOME/.profile which contains your own envirenmental settings. The login shell is a bash shell which reads $HOME/.profile during login!

Environment Settings using command module

The environmental setting using this methode will not be saved and will be lost for a new session. A new session (login, new job) will have the default HWW environment. The Cluster system uses modules in the user environment to support multiple versions of software, such as compilers, and to create integrated software packages. As new versions of the supported software become available, they are added automatically to the programming environment, while earlier versions are retained to support legacy applications. By specifying the module to load, you can choose the default version of an application, or another version. Modules also porvide a simple mechanism for updating certain environment variables, such as PATH, MANPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The following topics describe the fundamentals of using the modules environment.

  • to invoke the module command, type:
    module [OPTION] [ARGS]
    module help modulecommand
    The help command will provide more detailed information on the specified module. Without argument modulecommand you will get online help for the module command.
    module avail
    The avail option displays all the modules that are available on the system. Where there is more than one version of a module, the default version is denoted by (default).
    module list
    The list option displays all the modules that are currently loaded into your user environment.
    module add / module load modulename
    The add option and the load option have the same function - to load the specified module into your user environment.
    module rm / module unload modulename
    The rm option and the unload option have the same function - to unload the specified module from your user environment. Before loading a module that replaces another version of the same package, you should always unload the module that is to be replaced.
    module display modulename
    The display option shows the changes that the specified module will make in your environment, for example, what will be added to the PATH and MANPATH environment variables.
    module switch modulename/currentversion modulename/newversion
    The switch option replaces the currently loaded version of a module with a different version. When the new verion is loaded, the man page for the specified software will also be updated.
  • using $HOME/.modulerc
    This file can be used to load or to define your own environment during each login. The following small example loads a module, that inserts the current directory into the PATH:
    set version 1.0
    module load use.own