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Batch System PBSPro (Hawk)
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The batch system on Hawk TDS is PBSPro 19.2.1. For general usage see the PBS User Guide (19.2.3)
At the moment the setup is basic and it works for the TDS only. More features, testing and productive like setup will be done in July.
Single node
Here is an example for a job using a single node:
qsub -l nodes=2,walltime=1:00:00
The basic commands to build and run a MPI program are:
module load mpt
mpicc hi.hpe.c -o hi.hpe
mpirun ./hi.hpe
simple batch script
Here is a simple pbs job script:
File: Job.hi.hpe.pbs
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N Hi_Thomas #PBS -l select=16:mpiprocs=64 #PBS -l walltime=00:20:00 module load mpt mpirun ./hi.hpe
To submit the job script execute
qsub Job.hi.hpe.pbs