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Batch system

From HLRS Platforms
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Job Examples

Job sample large job, will be executed in '?multi' on v901-v907

#PBS -q dq
#PBS -l cpunum_job=16           # cpus per Node
#PBS -b 2                       # number of nodes, max 4 at the moment
#PBS -l elapstim_req=12:00:00   # max wallclock time
#PBS -l cputim_job=192:00:00    # max accumulated cputime per node
#PBS -l cputim_prc=11:55:00     # max accumulated cputime per node
#PBS -l memsz_job=500gb         # memory per node
#PBS -A <acctcode>              # Your Account code, see login message, without <>
#PBS -j o                       # join stdout/stderr
#PBS -T mpisx                   # Job type: mpisx for MPI
#PBS -N MyJob                   # job name
#PBS -M MyMail@mydomain         # you should always specify your emai

Job sample small job, will be executed in '?single' on v900 in shared mode, other jobs will run on same node.

#PBS -q dq
#PBS -l cpunum_job=8            # cpus per Node
#PBS -b 1                       # number of nodes
#PBS -l elapstim_req=12:00:00   # max wallclock time
#PBS -l cputim_job=192:00:00    # max accumulated cputime per node
#PBS -l cputim_prc=11:55:00     # max accumulated cputime per node
#PBS -l memsz_job=64gb          # memory per node
#PBS -A <acctcode>              # Your Account code, see login message, without <>
#PBS -j o                       # join stdout/stderr
#PBS -T mpisx                   # Job type: mpisx for MPI
#PBS -N MyJob                   # job name
#PBS -M MyMail@mydomain         # you should always specify your emai

Job sample test job, will be executed in 'test', always one job running, no matter how loaded node is.

#PBS -q dq
#PBS -l cpunum_job=4            # cpus per Node
#PBS -b 1                       # number of nodes
#PBS -l elapstim_req=1200       # max wallclock time
#PBS -l cputim_job=600          # max accumulated cputime per node
#PBS -l cputim_prc=599          # max accumulated cputime per node
#PBS -l memsz_job=16gb          # memory per node
#PBS -A <acctcode>              # Your Account code, see login message, without <>
#PBS -j o                       # join stdout/stderr
#PBS -T mpisx                   # Job type: mpisx for MPI
#PBS -N MyJob                   # job name
#PBS -M MyMail@mydomain         # you should always specify your emai

Contents of Job

A typical job will create a workspace, copy some data, run the application and save some data at the end.

Multithreaded job

ws=`ws_allocate myimportantdata 10`   # get a workspace for 10 days
cd $ws                                # go there
cp ~/input/file.dat .                 # get some data
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8              # use 8 OMP threads
export F_PROGINF=DETAIL               # get some performance information after the run
~/bin/myApp                           # run my application
cp output.dat ~/output

MPI job

ws=`ws_allocate myimportantdata 10`   # get a workspace for 10 days
cd $ws                                # go there
cp ~/input/file.dat .                 # get some data
mpirun -nn 2 -nnp 16 ~/bin/myApp      # run my application on 2 nodes, 16 CPUs each (32 total)
cp output.dat ~/output