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From HLRS Platforms
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IBM's General Parallel File System (GPFS) provides file system services to parallel and serial applications. It's a very fast and large file system which will be shared on following HWW hosts:

  • cacau frontend and all cacau compute nodes
  • phoenix frontends (phoenix, gerris) and all phoenix cluster compute nodes

The file system uses the fast infiniband network infrastructure. The peak performance is about 800 MB/sec. A single infiniband node has a performance of about 200 MB/sec. The capacity of this gpfs is 15 TB. A user has access from the listed nodes above only by using the workspace mechanism. The allocated workspaces will be shared by the nodes listed above. So the user has a fast access to the same workspaces from different PC clusters.

At the moment only some user groups have the permission to use the GPFS file system. To get a permission please ask the system administrators.