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NEC Aurora Batch System
This documentation is deprecated as of 2025-01-02.
to get a node for interactive testing:
qsub -q vector -l select=1:node_type=aurora:mpiprocs=24,walltime=3600 -I
to get multiple nodes, use accordingly
qsub -q vector -l select=2:node_type=aurora:mpiprocs=24,walltime=3600 -I
Within the job, you can use a little helper script. As NEC MPI does not (yet) support the PBSPro batch system, the integration does not work as described in MPI manual.
To ease the construction of the command line, which has to list all nodes, a little helper script vempihelper is provided for the HLRS installation.
Put 8 processes on each VE in all hosts in the batch job
mpirun $(vempihelper -vennp 8 -nve 8) ./osu_mbw_mr
Put 1 process on each VE in all hostst in the batch job
mpirun $(vempihelper -vennp 1 -nve 8) ./osu_mbw_mr
To verify the process placement, use
mpirun -v
which will print how many processes are created on which VE in which node.