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The Score-P instrumentation infrastructure allows tracing and sampling of MPI and Open MP parallel applications. Among others, it is used to generate traces in the otf2 format for the Tracec viewer Vampir and profiling records in the cubex format for the CUBE visualizer. |
Analyzing an application with Score-P is done in multiple steps:
- Compiling the application with the scorep wrappercompiler
- Running the instrumented application
- Analyzing the performance records with CUBE for profiles or with Vampir for traces
Compiling with scorep
First load the needed software module:
module load scorep # on Vulcan
module load performance/vampirtraceNow you can compile your application using the prefixing all compiler and linker commnds with scorep:
scorep mpicc
scorep mpicxx
Generating the trace/profile files
Run your application with the instrumented bianry. This will generate the needed trace and profile files.
export SCOREP_ENABLE_PROFILING=true # enable to generate cubex profile for CUBE
# export SCOREP_FILTERING_FILE=<filter file> # specify filter file to reduce overheads if necessary
export MPI_SHEPHERD=true # needed for mpt on HAWK